9th Grade Overview of Services
9th grade Parents Orientation to School Counseling/Pupil Services
Link to Powerpoint for 9th grade orientation:
9th Grade Student Orientation to Pupil Services
Sept./ October:
9th grade orientation with counselor
Developmental School Counseling Lesson:
9th Grade Goal Setting: Academic, Career, Personal
Building your resume in Naviance
Nov./ December:
Developmental School Counseling Lesson
College Funding Night for Parents of Underclassmen
Course Scheduling Appointment with Counselor for Sophomore Year
March: PSAT 9 administered
Counselors work with Advisories
April: Counselors work with Advisories
Developmental School Counseling Lesson:
Career Planning/College Brainstorming
May: Underclass Awards
June: Student course selections on Powerschool
STUDENTS ARE ABLE TO MAKE APPOINTMENTS WITH THEIR SCHOOL COUNSELOR VIA THE GOOGLE CALENDAR. Please email your counselor or come down anytime if you need any support. We are here to help!