Masuk High School Certified Staff Survey 2023
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What department are you in? *
There are groups of students in the school who exclude others and make them feel bad for not being a part of the group. *
Students at this school will try to stop students from insulting or making fun of others. *
The students in my classes respect each other. *
The school provides education surrounding appropriate social media use. *
Students in this school respect each other's differences (ie. gender, race, culture, disability, sexual orientation, learning differences, etc.) *
Students in my school have respect for their teachers. *
Student behavior disrupts instruction on a daily basis. *
Students are motivated to work to the best of their ability. *
There is positive morale among staff at my school. *
One suggestion I have to improve staff morale at my school is: *
Parents/guardians are made to feel welcome at this school.   *
Parents respond to my attempts at communication regarding their child's progress. *
I have positive working relationships with my students' parents. *
I have positive working relationships with my colleagues. *
In this school, there are clear rules against physically hurting other people (ie. hitting, pushing or tripping) *
I have seen students push, slap, punch or beat up other students  in this school. *
I feel physically safe at my school. *
I feel socially and emotionally safe at school. *
I understand all school safety procedures regarding potential emergency situations. *
I feel supported by my school administrators. *
Administrators effectively communicate important information to staff *
I have the opportunity to be involved in the decisions that are made in this school. *
How positive is the tone that school leaders set for the culture of the school? *
Is there a person in the leadership team who you can go to for assistance with lesson development? *
How valuable are the available professional development offerings? *
My instructional leader  has given me the opportunity for professional development to improve my teaching *
How helpful are your colleague’s ideas for improving your teaching? *
How confident are you that your school leaders have the best interest of the school in mind? *
When you face challenges at work, how supportive are your school leaders? *
When challenges arise in your personal life, how understanding are your school leaders? *
How useful do you find the feedback that you receive on your work? *
I feel supported by school leadership in matters of student discipline. *
How engaged are school leaders regarding what goes on in the classroom? *
Is the leadership team focused on teaching and learning? *
Provide any additional comments.
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